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Young Sage

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  1. Seems that my story "So You Want To Write (Good) Slash" was hidden and needed to be relocated due to the new ToS. Well, here it is, both chapters. Feel free to comment on whatever you like. Sadly, it looks like my reviews for the two chapters will be lost to the voids of Internet Hell, and only I will have them saved to my hard drive. Oh well. writing201rtf.rtf writing202rtf.rtf
  2. All the remaining chapters are now up, chapters 47-53, including the epilogue. The story is now officially complete. Thanks for reading!
  3. Still bad at this. Chapters 45 and 46 are now up.
  4. After a way-too-long hiatus, Ch. 44 is now up! Chapters will be posted on a weekly basis now.
  5. Chapter 43 is now up. This will be the last chapter for awhile. I don't have anymore on me. The story will go on hiatus until I make more, whenever that happens.
  6. I don't know why people are suddenly starting to comment on this topic. But, I'm not complaining! Seriously, thanks for the reply. The POV is Shawn's, not necessarily my own. Remember, Shawn's thought are NOT Young Sage's thoughts. Nor Anthony's, come to think of it. Though Shawn and Anthony won't admit it, they really do argue like an old married couple. I made BSC to be something different than your run-of-the-mill slash fic, focusing on REAL guys with REAL problems, in the REAL world. No vampires or government conspiricies here! Or feminine boys (except for Peter). I tend to avoid them, even in real life. I figured that if Shawn and Anthony are truly virgins (at least to oral sex), then it would be highly unlikely that they'd be "experts" in the field on their first go. Thus, the scene you're talking about, knight, where they're both clearly inexperienced and totally don't know what to do or how to react. That's all for now, folks. Keep replying here as well as the actual story! And if you have any questions or need something clarified, then ask away here as well. No two week wait here, no-sir-ee! ~YS
  7. I love YOU...in a platonic way, of course!
  8. So yeah, I completely forgot that the forum exists. Chapter 39-42 are now up.
  9. Chapters 33 and 34 are now up. Celebrating my 21st birthday! Happy Birthday me!
  10. Been awhile. Generally don't pay too much attention to the forums. Don't know if anyone reads these. Chapters 31 and 32 are now online. Enjoy.
  11. Title: Slash Work Author: Young Sage Rating: Adult+ Summary: About a guy who's writing a slash story online, and how, little by little, his own life starts to reflect his work. Language, M/M, OC, Other, WIP Feedback: Yeppers. This idea's still new in my head, so I need all the feedback I can get! Fandom: Original Slash URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098251 Other: The next (hopefully) serial I plan to attempt. May have sexual elements later on, don't know for sure. May offend some. Give it a read, if you please.
  12. Chapter 30 is up. Things always seem to happen when a chapter reaches a "_0" number (10,20,30,etc.). Maybe it's just me.
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