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  1. The biggest problem with proofing and editing is that I change so much!  LOL

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    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      What?  People get scared of a little story involving Harry Potter, a time turner accident, and him becoming Tom Riddle?  :)


    3. BronxWench


      Oh, I rarely read in HP, unless it’s Pittwitch’s stuff. No, no, I have a few in LotR which are dark indeed. Like http://lotr.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544193029 or http://lotr.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600080114 ...

    4. Tcr


      Since apparently I'm late as always (maybe I should have that as the title tag thingamajiggyjig)…

      First one I posted, took almost a year to do...  And every chapter I'm just like "Do It!  Do It!" (Yes, I put on the Emperor Palpatine gravelly voice and command myself to post) and still takes a few minutes of arguing with myself.  Now I'm just like  (curled into a fetal position in a corner) "There's a review!  There's a review!  There's a review!"

      As for editing and changes...  Yeah, been there...  Actually, going through a massive upheaval of one I'd like to get published...  Man have I changed (@CloverReef and it's all your fault!)

      And I probably don't have near as many tales of "Huked on Fonix", but I've seen some who've really needed an editor...  

      As long as you're having fun and enjoying writing it, you'll fit right in with the rest of us asylum escapees…

      (Really gotta work on my rambling...)


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