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GeorgeGlass last won the day on April 18

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  1. So I'm working on a Star Vs the Forces of Evil story, and I was amazed when I started typing the phrase "magical princess from another dimension" -- which I had last typed several months ago -- and my phone actually pulled up the correct next word. At least, up to a point.


    Good try, phone, good try.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      The serious case of Star’s OOC, the fact that it was rushed, The sudden lack of creativity or really any other option regarding the solarian knights in general, this applies to mina too, Solarian swords contradicting its own lore. Her “Solution” of killing her friends. Moon’s the worst offending OOC,

      The fact star effectively doomed everyone by her decision, there by making her the being with the highest body count in the universe and arguably the villain of the story and its presented as a good thing.

      You know the basic stuff.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Some of that will actually be dealt with in my story.

    4. JayDee



      The fact star effectively doomed everyone by her decision, there by making her the being with the highest body count in the universe and arguably the villain of the story and its presented as a good thing.

      ...did they rip off God in the Bible for that character arc?

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